3e pays avec le plus de radon

CANADA - the country ranked third in the world for radon

Was you home built between1980 and 2020?

Have you tested it for radon? No, my house is new, I don't have a fieldstone foundation, so there's no risk. Wrong! The more construction techniques evolve, the more houses are sealed in order to satisfy energy efficiency requirements and the more there is a risk of increased radon concentration in your home. The more we test, the more we discover that radon exposure is constantly increasing in Canada.

Canada is ranked third among the world's countries for radon presence. It is time to prevent the risks related to exposure. For that you must test, and Gaz radon Québec is there to serve you. If the radon level exceeds the Canadian standard of 200 Bq/m3 then mitigation measures should be taken. 

Contact our certified team to learn about our detection and mitigation services.

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