Measurement, analysis and mitigation
Short-term measure
We offer a short-term radon measurement service over a 4-day period, using an ionization chamber equipped with an electret. This test provides an excellent indicator of the annual radon concentration in your home. Depending on the results obtained, we will advise you on the next steps and the necessary actions to take.
Continuous measurement
We offer a short-term measurement service using a continuous reading device. This test provides an accurate indication of the concentration of radon in the air of your home in real time. Depending on the results, we will assist you in defining the actions to be taken to protect your health and that of your loved ones.
We offer a long-term radon measurement service over a 90-day period, using an electret ionization chamber. This method accurately measures the average radon concentration in the air in your home over an extended period of time. Based on the results, we will guide you on the steps to follow and the solutions that are appropriate for your situation.
Active soil depressurization is the most effective radon mitigation method. It involves installing a pipe through the concrete slab or crawlspace of your home, connected to a fan. This system draws radon from the soil and exhausts it outside the home, ensuring healthier and safer indoor air.